How to conduct an exhibition evaluation?

Update:Nov 2018,23

Conducting post-exhibition assessment can sum up experi […]

Conducting post-exhibition assessment can sum up experience and discover problems, which is one of the important ways to improve the level of exhibitions. After the evaluation of the exhibition, we can design a reasonable questionnaire and collect relevant information. Finally, through the analysis of the relevant materials, we can get the evaluation of the exhibition effect and put forward some good suggestions for the next exhibition. Exhibition evaluation is a dynamic process with a planned and step-by-step process that must be gradual. Generally, an exhibition evaluation includes the following procedures: 1. Establishing the exhibition evaluation target 。

The main objective of the exhibition evaluation is to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of the exhibition. Since the evaluation of the exhibition effect involves a complex relationship between the exhibition work project and the work results, the evaluation target of the exhibition is complicated. Therefore, in the evaluation of the exhibition, the specific objectives and main contents of the assessment should be established according to the objectives of the exhibition, and the order of priority evaluation or key evaluation should be arranged according to the primary and secondary of the evaluation objectives. 2. Selecting the standard evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria system for the exhibition effect includes overall results, publicity effects, reception results, and transaction results. The primary and secondary of the exhibition evaluation criteria should be determined according to the exhibition objectives. For example, if the target of the exhibition is to promote sales, the result of the transaction should be taken as the main evaluation standard.

After delineating the primary and secondary criteria for evaluation, it should also be standardized. The standardization of evaluation criteria means that the evaluation criteria must be clear, objective, specific, co-existing and unified, that is, clear the primary and secondary focus of the evaluation criteria; objectively formulate realistic evaluation criteria; quantify the evaluation criteria to make it concrete, Maneuverability; evaluation criteria must be coordinated and long-term unified to make the assessment results more accurate. 3. Formulate the evaluation plan According to the evaluation objectives and criteria of the exhibition effect, determine the specific evaluation content and evaluation plan of each stage, including the time schedule and sampling distribution of each stage, the object and method of evaluation, personnel arrangement and budget.