What is the basic goal of the exhibition?

Update:Oct 2018,25

1. Low-cost contact with cooperative customers Companie […]

1. Low-cost contact with cooperative customers
Companies need to reach qualified customers and participate in the exhibition is the most effective way. According to the survey, the average cost of using the show to reach customers is only 40% of the cost of other ways to reach customers.
2, the workload is small, the quality is high, the signing rate is high
After reaching qualified customers at the show, the amount of follow-up work is small. According to the survey, the average customer who is exposed to the exhibition, the average company only needs to call the other party for 1.8 calls to make a transaction. In contrast, the usual typical business sales method requires 7.8 calls to complete; at the same time, 54% of all orders placed by the customer to the exhibitor for visiting the exhibition do not require individuals to follow up.
3, get to know a lot of potential customers
According to the study, based on the average number of visitors on an exhibitor's booth, only 12% of the people received calls from the company's sales staff within 12 months before the show; 88% were new potential customers, and the show was also an exhibitor. Bring high-level new customers. For exhibiting companies' products and services, 49% of visitors at the show are planning to purchase those products and services.
4. Competitive advantage to show image and strength
The exhibition provides an opportunity for exhibitors to show their strength in front of competitors. Through the training of well-trained booth staff, active pre-show and exhibition promotions, and fascinating booth design, the competitiveness of exhibiting companies can be radiant. Moreover, visitors to the show will use this opportunity to compare exhibitors. Therefore, the exhibition is a good opportunity for exhibitors to show their image and strength.